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How do I become a member?

To create a new membership, please click the “New Member” button at the top right corner on our home page. It will be adequate for you to fill in the required data and click register. Your membership will be created immediately. However, you may also create a membership at the home page that you will be directed to after you have added product(s) to your cart

Can I shop without being a member?

You can also shop without becoming a member at our website. After adding the item/s you like to your cart, please click the complete shopping > without being a member option. You may complete your order after choosing the delivery option, filling in the compulsory areas and specifying your payment option, in order for us to be able to deliver your order in the most accurate manner.

How can I be aware of campaigns and new products?

Please subscribe to our e-mail newsletter in order to be notified about campaigns, new products and our special surprises for you. You may either choose to subscribe to the mail newsletter while you are creating the member registration or you may also choose the “I would like to be notified by DeFacto by e-mail, sms” option during checkout without being a member. In addition, you may also subscribe to our newsletter by entering a valid e-mail address at the e-mail newsletter field on the home page footer.

Is my personal information secure? Will it be shared with other companies and institutions?

Confidentiality is very important at DeFacto. Your personal information is not shared with any institutions and organizations. Your credit card and debit card data are never recorded in our system. 128 bit encryption with ‘Norton Verisign SSL' certificate, which ensures high security in the whole world, is applied for the security of your personal information and account.

I forgot my password, what do I have to do?

Do not worry; you can create a new password if you forget your password. Please click the ‘Did your forget your password?' link. It is only required for you to write your e-mail address here. Your new password will be sent to you. If you wish, you may log in to your account and change your password in the ‘Account Information' section.

How do I change my membership and address data?

In case you have registered in our system but need to revise your delivery address or other details, please log-in as user from the ‘Log-in' section and go to ‘My Account' page. You can make the necessary revisions here. From the ‘My Address Book' tab, you can make the desired revision and record more than one address. In addition, you can also revise the invoice address and delivery address data during checkout or choose one of your already recorded addresses.